
Organization Development

Organizational Diagnostics
Org dig

Once, Mulla Nasruddin, the famous Sufi philosopher born in the middle-east, was riding back home as dusk was setting in. He saw a man searching for something under a lamp post. Upon enquiring he realized the man was looking for his house keys. Mulla,  after searching with him for a while asked where the man lost his key. ‘In front of my house’ said the man, ‘Then why are you looking under the lamp post?’ exclaimed Mulla. ‘Because, that’s where the light is.” said the man

Organization challenges may appear as symptoms that glow under the lamppost, whereas the key may lie somewhere distant, away from conscious attention. The purpose of Organizational diagnostics is to go beyond the obvious symptoms, understand the causes behind the symptoms and work with clients to address the challenges.

A recent project with a group company to diagnose their Performance Management System brought to light glaring discrepancies in the philosophy behind the PMS and how it was being implemented on the floor leading to employees feeling helpless and demotivated. The key, here lay in re-designing aspects of the PMS, introducing consistency in the process of awarding performance ratings and equipping managers to do objective assessment, both of outcomes and competencies.

We do sharp-image diagnosis to facilitate incremental and/or fundamental strategic change for organizations.

Growth, Transformation and
Change Management

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

 Charles Darwin

Organization Life Cycle

As individuals adapt of changes in various stages of their lives, organizations too need to adapt to thrive during its life cycle that include Inception, birth, growth etc. Dealing with any large organization change whether it is M&A, organization restructuring, pivoting in business models needs a conscious strategy that incorporates aspects of unfreezing from the current state, introducing systematic change by involving key stakeholders and refreezing to the new state.

Human Process Centric

We at Tattva Consulting, through our Human process centric work help organizations transition to desired states successfully by supporting the Human aspects of change management.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Peter Drucker

In a recent conversation with a CEO of a mid-size organization, he opened up about how he had nurtured his organization to grow by almost 10X in the last 20 odd years. However, the culture had become a reflection of his personality which had worked until now. Today, he said, the organization needs a culture independent of him to attract bright talent, more investors and go international. 

Organizations may want to evolve their culture for various reasons, however, something that is so nebulous and yet deeply embedded in the system, needs careful observation, the right kind of motivation, deep commitment, strong incentive and a method to help people transition towards building a new culture.

We at Tattva Consulting, through our Human process centric work help organizations transform culture and transition to desired states successfully by supporting the Human aspects of change management.

Vision, Mission and Values Framework:

Working with organizations, we have realized some important questions get left unanswered or need to be revisited at times. These questions can have far reaching implications for the system. These include who we are? Where do we want to go? What do we stand for? What stands us apart? among others that point to the True North.

One day Alice came to a fork in the road and met the Cheshire cat.  Which road do I take?” she asked. Where do you want to go?” was his response. “I don’t know” Alice answered. “Then”, said the cat “it doesn’t matter”.
Alice in Wonderland  by Lewis Carroll

Through the application of Appreciative Inquiry based work, we help organizations re-discover sense of purpose, align on vision, enunciate a mission and identify and define values that are important for the organization.

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