Leadership Development

The role of a leader is to define reality and give hope.
-Kenneth Chenault, former CEO, AmEx; Board Member, Berkshire Hathaway
Leadership is that secret sauce that can turn adversity into an opportunity for organizations. We bring science and art in identifying high potential talent, assessing strengths and building leadership capability through meticulously designed leadership development journeys. The objective is to help individuals grow in their current roles and prepare for higher level roles in organizations.
We use a range of methodologies, including psychometric tools like MBTI, Bar-on EQ-i and other globally recognized programs, interventions, simulations and coaching to advance leadership acumen. These are soaked in nuances derived from NLP and psychodrama to give an experiential flavour. These can be anchored with a 360 degree assessment and personalized feedback to assess needle movement over a longitudinal horizon.
Leadership Assessment/Development
Identifying the right talent for the right roles
Identifying the right talent for the right roles is one of the most critical tasks that Business Leaders performs. Add to it the targeted and focused development in those roles. Our Assessment and Development centers help organizations do just that for our clients. With an array of tools and methodologies including psychometrics, simulations, Behavioural interviews among others, we help organizations make objective decisions for building talent pipelines, help people grow in roles and provide inputs for leadership roadmaps. These can be conducted in person and virtually and are followed by detailed reports and development feedback to individuals based on requirement.

Leadership Development Roadmap

Tailored Leadership Development Interventions spanning 6-9 months bringing together various modalities including asynchronous learning, classroom, virtual synchronous learning, simulations, projects, assessments, 360 feedback, selected book reviews and case studies among others.
Executive Coaching
We partner with leaders in a thought-provoking and creative manner that inspires them to maximize their business and leadership potential. Our action- oriented coaching practice aims to define and achieve tangible objectives.
It is about understanding how to set clear goals, agreements, strategies and reaching higher levels of performance and fulfillment. It is about seeing possibilities, removing obstacles and dissolving assumed constraints to unleash the power within.
A coaching engagement spans over a period that is mutually agreed upon (typically it is for six months or more) to make a meaningful difference and requires significant time and commitment from the executive.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion — commonly referred to as DEI has taken centre stage in the workplace over the last few years.
The reason behind DEI challenges in organizations may vary depending upon which part of the world we are in and yet have some common threads between these.
Organizations must actively work to create meaningful change as DEI is becoming one of the top Talent agenda of these times. Most leading companies realize that in this war for talent, you simply can’t afford to miss a point of view, lose a valuable employee due to lack of inclusion or to be seen as unwelcoming of differences.
We are the India and Regional partner of a global leader in the DEI consulting space – Prism International- A Talent Dimensions Company based in the US, that has worked with over 70% of the Fortune 1000 companies over the years.
We would be glad to work with you on your DEI agenda.
Creative Action Method
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts . As You Like It, William Shakespeare
Sociodrama and Psychodrama
Have you noticed how people and teams at times, can get stuck with the same patterns of behavior not being able to move forward, develop a rich, mutually nurturing relationship and optimize both their internal and external resources?
It is said that it’s our inter-play with the others that provides us with real insights in to self and groups. Play is at the center of Psychodrama, a creative action method that allows self-expression and empowerment. It reaches the crevices and crannies of the mind and soul rarely impacted by other methodologies.
Conceived and developed by Jacob L. Moreno, MD, in early 1920s, psychodrama employs guided dramatic action to examine problems or issues raised by an individual or a group. Using experiential methods, enactment and reenactment, sociometry, role- theory and group dynamics, psychodrama facilitates insights, growth, change, and integration on cognitive, affective and behavioral levels. Psychodrama excites spontaneity, creativity, widens role repertoire, and brings vitality and playfulness.
We use the modality of Psychodrama in areas of:

- Team integration and bonding
- Personal effectiveness
- Communication
- Leadership Development
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Dealing with change
- Energizing and motivation
- Increase sensitivity and facilitate bonding
MBTI®- Myers–Briggs Type Indicator

As per Jung’s construct of psychological types,
We all have an innate urge to grow. One big avenue for our growth is understanding how we operate in this world, how we receive and process information, how we make decisions, how we view structure and equally important how we relate with others.
Over 80% of fortune 500 companies work with these types of tests to help teams be more effective and build healthier organizations.
Once the employee determines their MBTI personality style among the 16 preferences, they can work towards better problem solving, decision making, improving interpersonal relationships and conflict resolution abilities, being great team members, better leaders and drive positive change.
From an organizational perspective, the application includes:
EQ-i 2.0® Emotional Intelligence

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.”
– Dale Carnegie
We all probably know at least one person, who was extremely talented in the IQ department but lost out on growth opportunities because of inability to get along with people or could not stay calm under pressure or was generally pessimistic. Now, research has proven it takes more than just IQ to be successful. The answer lies in Emotional Intelligence which is not only significant at an Individual level but has far reaching impact on teams and organizations at large.
Dr. Reuven Bar On, one of the pioneers in field of Emotional Intelligence defined it as “an array of personal, emotional and social competencies and skills that influence one’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressures”.
Taking a step further, he devised a way to measure something as nebulous as Emotional Quotient, with much success. The result was the globally acclaimed Bar-On EQ-i inventory.
As practitioners certified by MHS, Canada, we not only work with Leaders to help them assess their Emotional Intelligence across 15 EQ-i parameters ranging from self-awareness, stress tolerance and reality testing but also coach individuals and groups through variety of action based methodologies to help them identify and leverage strengths and overcome blocks if any.
This has a tremendous impact in organizations being able to retain and grow people, develop leaders, build a collaborative culture and improve decision making.
Additionally, we use psychometric tools like Hogan Assessments, FIRO-B® and 16 PF among others based on context and client requirement
Stand-Alone Interventions
- High Performance Discussions (PMS review discussions)
- Coaching and Feedback conversations
- Performance Calibration discussions for executives
- Executive Presence
- Building Your Leadership Brand
- Critical Thinking
- Leadership Transitions

We design and tailor bespoke learning interventions based on our client’s requirements.